Pets Pride blog

How do I ensure that my cat drinks enough on these hot days?

Hoe zorg ik ervoor dat mijn kat voldoende drinkt met deze warme dagen?

With the high summer temperatures, it is important to drink enough. Also for your cat. Cats are known for not being fans of water. They can also be very picky when it comes to drinking. This therefore requires a bit of creativity from you as the owner. This article contains some tips and tricks to encourage your cat to drink more!

Ice cream, ice cream, baby!

Just like us, your cat can also enjoy a cooling treat on a hot day. Put a few ice cubes in a layer of water. The sound of the ice cubes floating around can arouse your cat's curiosity. This may encourage him or her to sip to take. Bonus points if you make the ice cubes from their favorite wet food or chicken broth (without salt or spices).

That magical little fountain

Cats love flowing water. Somehow moving water triggers cats to drink. A drinking fountain can be the ideal solution to make your cat drink more! A nice side effect is that the filtered water in a drinking fountain cleaner and more oxygen-rich is. So let your cat be enchanted by the flowing water in your new drinking fountain !

Remind your cat to drink

You sometimes hear parents tell their child a hundred times a day that they need to drink. That's actually how it works with cats too. Only they won't listen when you tell them to (and children don't always either). One solution is to provide water bowls and drinking fountains on multiple places to put down. Then your cat will be reminded regularly to drink something again. Often a cat develops a preference for a quiet place . Make sure that there is always fresh water is!

Tasty hydration

Wet food contains more water than dry food, which helps keep your cat hydrated . Consider feeding your cat more wet food during the warmer months. You can also add a little extra water add to their wet food. Some cats also like a little tuna juice (from tuna in water, without salt) mixed through their water. It gives just that little bit of extra flavour that will make them drink more often.

Water games

Cats are naturally playful . Take advantage of this by incorporating water into their playtime. A shallow bowl with a floating toy can encourage your cat to play with the water. Then the moving water will stimulate to a sip to take. This is not only hydrating , but also fun!

The perfect water bowl

We have said before that a cat fussy is. This also applies to the type water bowl . Some cats prefer wide, shallow bowls because their whiskers then do not bump against the sides. Stainless steel or ceramic are often the best choices, as they keep the water cool and absorb fewer odors than plastic. Our range of drinking fountains meets these requirements, so take a look!

Water with a twist

Add a little variety to your cat's water by adding a flavor . As mentioned before, a little tuna juice can make a world of difference. Chicken stock (without salt and spices) can also provide an attractive flavour. Always make sure that these additives are safe and do not contain harmful ingredients.

Keep the water fresh

Like us, cats prefer fresh water . Change their water at least once a day and make sure the water bowls are beautiful are. A dirty bowl or stagnant water can discourage your cat from drinking. A drinking fountain is the easiest solution, so your cat always has fresh and moving water!

Hydrating snacks

Try it hydration-promoting snacks, such as watermelon chunks (without seeds) or cucumber. Many cats love these watery treats , and they contain plenty of moisture to keep your cat hydrated.

Pay attention to the signals

On very hot days it is wise to keep a close eye on your cat sufficient drinks. Signs that your cat may not be drinking enough include less energy, decreased appetite, or dry skin. If you suspect that your cat is not drinking enough, immediately offer him or her a treat with lots of moisture . If in doubt, always contact your veterinarian.

The above tips will help your cat drink enough. Even in extremely hot weather. What he or she likes best or tastiest can differ per cat. So just try a few things! That way you will discover what works best for your cat. That way your cat will also have a nice cooling summer!